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Auto admin kick while trying to join


I just re-downloaded BF4 after a couple years and I keep getting autokicked when I try to join the game.

I then tried to join via battlelog and it never joins, eventually bottom blue ribbon stays "joining server" for a few mins then just disappears.

?? help ??
not a kick issue....game is not loading....a kick would give you a RED banner with a stated reason for the kick.....the blue banner disappearing is the game not loading......

first thing to try is reinstalling punk buster from the install file in the base file of BF4....go to your BF4 install folder and look for punkbuster folder.....rerun install EX from folder

at this point it come back to installer if not fixed....did you buy on steaming pile of dog shit or did you get it on origins??? both have their own issues with game launching.....google is your frined from here.....
ok so google "steam error code 1 BF4" and go from there......i have origins so i cant help after this point....BUT at least you know punkbuster is taken care of and was a issue....now on to the next issue......