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Ban Appeal: Ashengrace

In-game Name Ashengrace

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I have no idea why I was even banned. I don't know what a "HSK automatic ban" is, so its kind of hard to have a story. Best I can tell you is I was playing and got kicked by an admin out of no where yesterday, I figured it was just a reserved slot kick or something (the server was pretty full). That was until I tried to join another one of your servers today and was immediately kicked again. So I legitimately have no idea what I did to get banned. I don't hack, I don't cheat, hell I'm not even good at the game.

Why should we lift your ban? I feel like my ban should be lifted because I'm not a hacker/cheater. There is no reason I should have been banned in the first place. I was following all the rules of the server and just playing the game as it was intended to be played.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: HSK Automatic Ban [6-SCARH-72-101-73-33 [perm][AutoAdmin][Appeal at banzore.com]

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
I see you've done a ton of stat padding. As long as your stats look like that the system will auto-reban you.

If you go to another server and tank your stats on those guns then we can consider unbanning you.
Yep, that was unintentionally the case. I just started playing a couple weeks ago and was enamored by assignment unlock servers to try to unlock weapons and attachments, but was too new to know the right way of going about it. Didn't realize HSKP mattered so much and that I should have been mixing it up with body shots, and intentional misses. Live and learn, I suppose. I'll just have to pay the price and go back to the assignment server or just play regular with those guns to try to even it out.

Thanks for the spreadsheet, at least I know what I need to work on.
Where do I find that spreadsheet myself? It would be even better if I could monitor my weapon metrics on my own.