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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: BattleNewb

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In-game Name BattleNewb

Have you cheated before? no

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Do not know the reason that I was banned as I've never been in server before.

Why should we lift your ban? Because it must be an error I've never played before.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Teamkilling and racism

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Don't know how that is possible that I could be linked the only thing I could think of is that person is one of the friends I've had over at my house that had problems with your server, that had used my computer. Not me, I literally just made this account and theres no possible way it could be linked unless that was the last to ever use the app which I also just installed.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
the only thing I could think of is that person is one of the friends I've had over at my house that had problems with your server, that had used my computer. Not me, I literally just made this account and theres no possible way it could be linked unless that was the last to ever use the app which I also just installed.
So you invite your friends over and allow them to use your computer to play battlefield but you don't know their account names nor do you have a previous account up until this point despite your new account only being two minutes old. I'm still not buying it, your story doesn't add up and is quite illogical. We also have no way to verify that you invited people over to play battlefield on your PC while you yourself didn't have an account.

You're going to have to come up with some substantial proof otherwise there's nothing more we can do here.
That is correct I don't play the game and just bought it, nor would I memorize my friends username that came over it was probably someone I barely knew in the first place and they probably weren't playing too long. I don't know how you expect me to prove that I had people over at my house that use my computer its not like I stand over them and film them every time. No way you can't just give me the benefit of the doubt in this situation, its pretty understandable that people would use your computer to play video games late at night when you have get togethers. I already checked the account and it's not linked the only thing it could be is an ip ban.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Alright after consideration of all of our data, we believe the link is valid and thus we will not lift the ban on your account.

There is no way for us to verify your story and quite frankly your explanation does not make since.

Appeal denied.
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