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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: bloodREVENGE

In-game Name bloodREVENGE

Have you cheated before? NEVER

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I do not deliberately team kill anyone, if this did occur it was an accident or IN RETALIATION for being team killed

Why should we lift your ban? of the thousand or so hours played, nothing like this has occurred before. this claim is vexatious and anomalous to my long record, not something i do go around team killing unprovoked

Kick reason (from Battlelog) team killing

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
We do not tolerate teamkilling done IN RETALIATION. It’s a wonder you haven’t been banned yet, oh well. Subsequent bans will be longer in length. Please review our rules whilst you wait for your 2D temporary ban to expire.

Don’t let us catch you violating our rules again.

banned again when answering someone who made a political remark in the room I WANT TO KNOW IS this other person who made the remark banned as well OR IS THIS RETALIATION from the same guy banning me before??? if the one is not banned does this not say something about your subjectivity....???????? i refer to the complaints made about you abusing your position?????? because if the other person who i responded to is not banned... THEN YOUR BIAS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF