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Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: D1AB3TIX-DUD3-14

In-game Name D1AB3TIX-DUD3-14

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I believe I got an HSK Automatic Ban, this is in the bz6 all DLC server? Me and my buddy hopped in together and we got put in Zavod 311. It was JUST us 2 in the server. So yes, boosting is considered cheating but I have never seen a banzore server that empty where it was just us 2 in the server, so we were dinking around with pistols and when I pulled my MTAR out and did my turn of a kill, I got the Ban Hammer.

Why should we lift your ban? It is ultimately up to admin. I understand boosting is cheated but at the time we were just trying to get my buddy to unlock his SRR sniper. I enjoy banzore servers because they're filled with some really good people and me and my friends have a couple servers from banzore that we always go on and are favorited. Please consider this appeal and note if my ban was for boosting that it will be my last time trying to unlock guns the easy way.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) HSK Automatic Ban [LIVE][6-L22-51-91]

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Looks like the automatic system did in fact ban you for HSKR, which is mainly there to filter out cheaters. However, we certainly don't endorse boosting on our servers, but it doesn't look like you have a long history of doing it on any servers. Unfortunately, I am not seeing any games in your history that were played today on bZ servers, which is odd since you were banned today on our servers. Do you happen to have a battlereport?

My reference data: https://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=1006530325250&cnt=200&startdate=20220127

If you have your friends in-game username, that could help me out with identifying if things happened the way you said they did. Your battlereport may have bugged out since you tried to rejoin multiple times.


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Looked into this a bit further, Battlelog is bugged and doesn't register this happening, however given other rounds and your stats overall, this looks to be a false positive anyway. So I will go ahead and unban you! Thank you for your patience, Have a good one!
Looked into this a bit further, Battlelog is bugged and doesn't register this happening, however given other rounds and your stats overall, this looks to be a false positive anyway. So I will go ahead and unban you! Thank you for your patience, Have a good one!
Thank y'all very much. I'll stick to playing on double xp weekends with my 200% boosts now to unlock guns, lesson learned