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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: Darcanys08

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In-game Name Darcanys08

What game were you banned from? Bf4/team speak

Date of ban May 25, 2017

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I made a new name in game to match my steam name and bc I was being bothered by a certain individual... I was joking around with the guys on all maps and then was banned.

Why should we lift your ban? I wasn't trying to "start shit" as slash had posted... I was running a new name for a few days to avoid further conflict with a certain individual... joking around acting like I had no idea who anyone was and before I could explain myself was banned? That's bogus


-bZ- Member
So you're going to ban me for just fucking around just because your little group doesn't like me? What about the group I've made friends with or anybody else that I haven't met? I put in s new app under new name bc I feel like my name was unfairly tarnished and I wanted to see if it was me personally or just a continuous chain of "well he does t like him so I don't like him" which is what I've had several ppl including admins tell me is the case
I mean honestly is it so bad that I enjoy the server and teamspeak so much that I'd make a new name and profile just to start over and try to make a good first impression this time? You've obviously never had your name thrown around and walked all over without and chance to defend yourself


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
I'm pretty sure you've done this to yourself bud so there's no point in blaming others. Take some responsibility for your actions.

It was a pretty much unanimous "no" vote on letting you into bZ. That's from everyone, not just admins. You were told to hang around, be cool, etc. then reapply - people were starting to open up to you, then you went and pulled this crap. You are henceforth permanently denied membership into Banzore and you will not be allowed to play on our servers.

You have a history of constantly causing issues in TS, running off non-members and members alike, and breaking our rules. Your attempt at hiding who you were last night was not joking around. You targeted admins (Slash, assalt, Krae, I think Bawlin, and myself if I remember correctly) acting like a new person that just applied etc. @assalt3 called you out and you vehemently denied it.

This is all after your mention of retaliating against bZ for rejecting you, dragging our members names, an admin to boot, through the mud over what supposedly happened with your wife/gf/tranny whatever BS that was, and constantly cussing members in TS.

Something you'll learn in life, and maybe you're a bit too young to have experienced it in the real world is that actions have consequences. Yours was rejection of your application. A plan was laid out for you to get in but that wasn't good enough for you, you had to try to skirt our rules and the instructions you were given and now your punishment is banishment. You were given ample opportunity, or enough rope to hang yourself if you will, and you did just that.

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