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Not Banned Ban Appeal: Deadmanwalken

In-game Name Deadmanwalken

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was reported by eRazz or whatever his name is. I'm not banned yet, and I shouldn't be

Why should we lift your ban? I was piloting the US attack heli, and he posted a video of baserape on my ban request. Apparently he didn't watch his own video because never once does a hydra go into the base. My stupid gunner was firing at him because he was locking on to us. I said in chat, you fire at me I fire back, or something of that nature. I never actually fired, but I was calling him on his BS because locking on is an act of aggression and my gunner was protecting us from the lock. Then he cries baserape, how is my gunner supposed to know if that's a SOFLAM or Laze goggles and 20 lock ons aren't coming our way.

Regardless, I didn't fire into base, I didn't baserape, watch his video evidence. He and his copilot were terrorizing our team in the Havok and I took them down on the first try, looks like he is just sour. Watch his video, the gunners cannon is the only incoming fire on him, not hydras or TOW.

You can check your server logs, I play on BZ all the time...how many accusations of baserape do I have.

Kick reason (from Battlelog)

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
You are not currently banned. You've been reported for being a whore, wall (?), tking and more teamkilling. After two months of no reports, your latest ones are due to the uncap incident.
I will say this though, if you don't attack (or fly) near uncap, you don't run the risk of potentially being in violation of our rules regarding uncap.

In the video, you flew right by E and provided clear line of site towards uncap. Your gunner jumped the gun and nearly killed the transport while it was still in base without having shot.
Please be more careful in the future and steer clear of uncap. Our rules are provided below, please ask for clarification should you have any questions.

Razz, I'm a big boy, I'm 40 actually. I shit talked you, yes. I took credit for my gunner shooting at you in the uncap. You locked on us, I felt that the threats of reporting after you locked on us were kind of hypocritical, hence the trash talking.

Regardless, I'm over it. I'm fine making peace. Carry on.

Swag, thanks for the mediation.