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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: druakadtown

In-game Name druakadtown

Have you cheated before? nope

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? guys wanted chopper and were being dicks about it when they could have just asked and i would have let them fly together. i got mad and shot them both in the face out of anger.

Why should we lift your ban? i dont do stuff like that it was just wrong place right time.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) tk

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You currently have a temporary ban that expires in 6 hours for intentional teamkills.
Our rules are provided below. Subsequent bans will be longer.
