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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: FishyForrest

In-game Name FishyForrest

Have you cheated before? No sir.

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Unsure.

Why should we lift your ban? I was never given any prior warning, kick, or any other disciplinary action.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Kicked by PB

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
A new forums account doesn't mean you're allowed to forget your past.
Read up on that.
It's a new account because another admin removed my permissions to reply to that chat, although everyone else is allowed to continue bantering senselessly. I wanted to mention, if my chat history is the main reason I get randomly punished because someone decided to look into my history, I was given absolutely no kicks, warnings, or bans. Other appeals on this forum include repeat offenders that were given multiple chances, with me being given diddly squat.

If I may ask, is there a way I could remain punished but in a less severe manner? I went from being able to play perfectly okay to being permanently banned and completely shutout from the community as a whole because of two admin's mob mentality that arose from my questioning. I understand why I'm being punished, but not to the extent that was given to me without second thought or interjection from others. All I ask is that my punishment be fair & equal to what others are getting. Again, there are offenders that are on these appeal forums weekly for the same offense yet they continue to play. I simply questioned an admin's actions, and thus got the highest tier of punishment available without any prior warning, kick, or temp-ban related to the chat logs they presented.

Thank you.
A new forums account doesn't mean you're allowed to forget your past.
Read up on that.
I had forgot to reply directly to this message, I apologize.
Yes sir. He has spoken. I asked a question and sparked more dialogue, and am currently awaiting a response. I have multiple bZ members reaching out to me watching this whole ordeal over the last few weeks take place telling me how bullshit they feel it is. I'm not asking for anything grand, just something to meet in the middle to offset the inequal treatment that I've been forced to take with no opportunity to dispute or appeal fairly.
I would absolutely appreciate any dialogue and am more than willing to meet in the middle regarding what else can be done. Thank you so much for your time & patience in dealing with all of this Swag.