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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: Ghost_Volk101

In-game Name Ghost_Volk101

Have you cheated before? No, i am firmly against it!

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally appeal the ban on my account, [Your Account Name], from [Game Server's Name]. I understand the severity of this matter and wish to clarify the circumstances that led to this unfortunate situation.

My account was banned due to behavior that violated the server’s rules. I would like to explain that my younger brother, whose account "Crack Monkey" had been previously banned, was using my account at the time. Out of frustration and immaturity, he intentionally engaged in actions that he knew would result in a ban on my account.

I was unaware that he had accessed my account and was engaging in such behavior until the ban notification was issued. As soon as I discovered this, I took immediate steps to ensure it would not happen again, including securing my account with a stronger password and educating my brother on the consequences of his actions.

I deeply regret that this incident occurred and take full responsibility for allowing my brother access to my account. I understand that sharing accounts is against the rules and I assure you that it will not happen again. My brother has been strictly forbidden from accessing my account in the future.

Throughout my time on [Game Server's Name], I have always strived to be a positive and respectful member of the community. I have built valuable friendships and have greatly enjoyed being part of this community. It is incredibly disheartening to find myself in this situation due to actions that were beyond my control but for which I take full responsibility.

I kindly request your understanding and leniency in this matter. If my account could be reinstated, I would be extremely grateful. I am fully committed to adhering strictly to the server’s rules and maintaining the integrity of my account going forward. I assure you that this was an isolated incident and will not be repeated.

Thank you for considering my appeal. I am available to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information if needed.

Why should we lift your ban? I stand against what he typed and i wasn't behind this disgusting hate speech

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Racism and toxicity

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
Well, sorry, just not much time these days, too much work.... apologies,
TLDR Little brother is a racist little shit, was salty bcs his account was banned and played on my pc while i was at work. When i came back i was banned and when i saw some of the logs he was flip flopped a couple of times couples. Followed by a password change on my pc. He wont have any more access to it.... I love this game and actually enjoy your servers, hope you understand