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Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: gyat_rizzler

In-game Name gyat_rizzler

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was banned for killing Nyan who was baiting in uncap but this was my third time being punished for uncap killing so I was perm banned. I apologized to Nyan in chat after doing it. I got tilted since Nyan was camping up on the mountain and I should have stayed out of spawn instead of going after him again. I got back up on the mountain and Nyan sat outside waiting for me to shoot him and I reflexively did.

Why should we lift your ban? I fully understand and acknowledge the gravity of my actions and any future offenses, and I sincerely apologize for any disruption or frustration caused to other players from this offense and my prior offenses. I apologized right after doing it and I really am trying to avoid killing uncap, it's sometimes hard to not flick on someone who is looking straight at me and i've been trying to reign that reflex in and stay away from spawns. I assure you that I don't sit at spawn and camp people, the times I uncap kill people has been occasional and sometimes out of reflex, which I understand is still inexcusable so I have been trying to avoid playing in the spawn areas all together. I really hope that you will reconsider my ban as I have made lots of friends on this server and would like to still partake in the community

Kick reason (from Battlelog)

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Final warning, do not do it again.

Appeal Accepted.