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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: KidInTheBlueHat1

In-game Name KidInTheBlueHat1

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I couldn't get on the server so I saw there was an option to Spectate which I'd never used before and it was really cool and new to me. I got overly chatty while I was on there and I apologize for how this affected other players.

Why should we lift your ban? I will never chat while I am on the Spectator Mode again. I am sorry that it bothered so many people. I really like the Metro/Locker/Pearl server, it's basically the only good server that's alive on BF4. I'm really sorry and it won't happen again. Let me know if there's any additional things you need from me. Thanks.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Could not launch game. Please make sure it's installed correctly.

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
I just wanna add that I thought everything I was doing was all in good fun because a lot of people on that server say a LOT of (kind of horrible) stuff. All the time. And I rarely see anyone getting banned for it. I would not have felt so comfortable to commentate on the match if I knew that people were going to report me like that. I'd consider it a lesson learned and stuff if my ban were to be lifted. I just really wanna play on that server again. It's a really fun server and I liked some of the players on it (s/o TexasFriedShrimp). Thank you for taking the time to read and all that good stuff.
I was basically treating the Spectator Mode like how you would Commander (but for both sides I guess) and I can understand how that would be problematic.
I felt too comfortable speaking with the players like I was because I had been playing with a handful of them for the past month or so and didn't think they'd mind it like they did.
Clearly I miscalculated.

Again, I am really sorry about that and this'll be the last thing I say on the matter.

Sorry for replying to this thread so much.



Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Your temporary ban expires in 8 hours. Take greater care in the future to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Your temporary ban expires in 8 hours. Take greater care in the future to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Hell yeah! Thank you so much dude! Won't happen again!

Happy Thanksgiving! :)
