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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: Komod0Dragon

In-game Name Komod0Dragon

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Mistakes happen in Hardcore games. That's the risk and reward.

Why should we lift your ban? https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-przzz-about-player-komod0dragon.17916/

I should get a clue? I am a phlebotomist in my day job. I'd love to see you draw my blood without a hematoma. I'm not some evil bastard here. I can't talk in chat so I keep it hidden at all times. I don't know what anyone says since I'm not allowed to talk even after playing for years and never causing troubles before going apeshit one night like a dumbass.

I also watched the entire 2min clip of: youtube.com/watch?v=TMU1u9oyg5U

My person is not near this guy at all and he didn't even die, he was actually doing pretty good. No one was killed. I was just doing terrible like I normally do.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Intentional TKs

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Since you appear to be retarded, here is the clip spoonfed to you.

There is no mistake placing C4 on a friendly tank to blow it up, including yourself.

You're on your last chance to abide by our rules, that includes not intentionally teamkilling or teamgriefing.
The rules aren't hard to follow. I've since extended your ban to expire after thanksgiving this year, that way you'll have an ample amount of time to review our simple list of rules below.

This clip could be anyone. It doesn't even show a username. My username is something I use across multiple platforms. I'm not going to intentionally TK a random person who's doing my team a service.
There's no tags in hardcore... That's why it's hard... Anyways it had to be an accident. I don't try to hurt or injure teammates. Either way it doesn't matter at this point. My judgment has been made already. It wasn't intentional and I wouldn't risk myself more than it has been. Yeah I was wasted one night and kept calling people a cunt. I gotta own my mistakes. I make mistakes even at my job, believe it or not.
I would rather you just ban me altogether from your servers at this point. I can't talk to anyone - I can't say sorry, nothing. If I type "sorry" in chat, I get auto kicked. BFAT works, congrats. I really used to enjoy your hardcore rush servers. It was good while it lasted.