• Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: PlumTreeKilla

In-game Name PlumTreeKilla

Have you cheated before? no

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I am not banned, connecting to BZ bf4 servers I get the error; "kicked by admin"

Why should we lift your ban? I am not banned , also have not break BZ rules

Kick reason (from Battlelog) "kicked by admin"

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
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I'm seeing a rather similar crossover in account links just with the names alone. Coupled with the data that we have on our end, it's obvious that you were just trying to cause trouble on our servers across several accounts. Deny it all you want, but you can't really argue this situation at all.

Your latest report against you was for teamkilling and the whole barcode name crap (PlayerUnnKnown account), which you then thought it'd also be a good idea to rename your other account to that same stupid name (PlumTreeKilla account). Probably wasn't smart to target the person you clearly have a vendetta against. You were also forewarned on your previous appeal that you had one final chance to play here, and proceeded to cause further issues. Don't remember that appeal? I'll link it here for you: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/ban-appeal-playerunnknown.21549/

Banzore admins are, believe it or not, very fair in how we assess situations and distribute punishments. We are open minded individuals and don't always want to punish players, but those who decided to fuck around and find out tend to be on the receiving end of a quickly issued permanent ban.

Creating new forum profiles with names matching your Battlelog profile that you had just recently changed isn't going to fool us. I hope this was worth it to you, because your presence around here is no longer welcomed. You should either find a new BF4 server to play on, or just find a new game to play altogether.

2 yrs ago, (RightButton [bf4 name]/MiddleButton [BZ forum name]) kept Int. TK me, and I did not know it was required to be Steven Spielberg and make a whole Hollywood movie and post to forums to Narc on TK'r....(I did what almost all other server do) and gave him a nice taste of his own medicine...and apparently he WAS the Steven Spielberg Narc type and he Did record and post, so I got in trouble and found out about the rules on Banzore....got it, lesson learned (Rule #Bullshit: don't do unto others, for what they did to you).

Then 2 weeks ago it happens again by DoucheDoggg, (err. I meant LAwD0GG78), he kept Int. Tk. and since I did not record (cause I'm not the Steven Spielberg Narc type), and I knew the rules (so could not repay him the favor), I did not break Rule #Bullshit: don't do unto others, for what they did to you.

My squad-mates all kept getting mad at him and did not like his language, LAwD0GG78 kept using homophobic remarks towards us; calling us Fags/Gay/virgins/"need thick skin for BZ servers"...said he was going to report him being a disruptive player, breaking Rule 4...and after he did report...guess what, nothing happened (surprise surprise): Coldkiller - "Seriously?"

My squad-mates were pissed, so I joked and said I was going to Change my name to LAwD0GGisGGGGhay, since apparently BZ admins ok w/Gay.

Well, well, well...Look who make a complaint, Mr. "need thick skin for BZ servers" himself; https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-lawd0gg78-about-player-kb-lawd0ggisgggghay.21571/

So, let me get this strait....I'm banned (PlumTreeKilla) because I broke no rules , but my name changes is kinda, sorta (but not really), similar to many Other players that have issues with the same guy, DoucheDoggg (err. I meant LAwD0GG78).

Now I see why all my friend say BZ is notorious for their Badmins, they protect their friends/doners and do not apply the rules evenly or fairly....I broke no rules and am guilty of having a name kinda, sorta, maybe similar to other players that have issues with a known troublemaker.
I usually hate cherry picking posts, but here we go!

2 yrs ago, (RightButton [bf4 name]/MiddleButton [BZ forum name]) kept Int. TK me, and I did not know it was required to be Steven Spielberg and make a whole Hollywood movie and post to forums to Narc on TK'r....(I did what almost all other server do) and gave him a nice taste of his own medicine...and apparently he WAS the Steven Spielberg Narc type and he Did record and post, so I got in trouble and found out about the rules on Banzore....got it, lesson learned (Rule #Bullshit: don't do unto others, for what they did to you).
For one, that report was valid because it showed not one, not two, but FOUR instances where you intentionally teamkilled within a 3 minute timeframe in a single round. The first ban that was issued back then was more than justified, and there's no arguing the video that was provided.

We only punish for the actions that we witness and can verify are in violation of our rules. We will NEVER take the word of others or punish solely off in game reports as it can easily be manipulated or severely lack the context necessary. Setting up something like OBS replay buffer or Nvidia Shadowplay's Instant Replay is super easy, and with the push of a button it will save the last 30 seconds of footage in the form of a clip (times configurable to your desire). No need to try to be the next Steven Spielberg and record entire sessions. Besides, RightButton was reporting a problematic player which happened to be you.

Then 2 weeks ago it happens again by DoucheDoggg, (err. I meant LAwD0GG78), he kept Int. Tk. and since I did not record (cause I'm not the Steven Spielberg Narc type), and I knew the rules (so could not repay him the favor), I did not break Rule #Bullshit: don't do unto others, for what they did to you.
If it was an intentional teamkill, you could've done the above mentioned method, record a clip, and submit it here. Action would've been taken if it showed clear violations of our rules.

My squad-mates all kept getting mad at him and did not like his language, LAwD0GG78 kept using homophobic remarks towards us; calling us Fags/Gay/virgins/"need thick skin for BZ servers"...said he was going to report him being a disruptive player, breaking Rule 4...and after he did report...guess what, nothing happened (surprise surprise): Coldkiller - "Seriously?"
Not sure how this violates rule #4 which pertains to politics... Besides we have never punished anyone for the use of the words fag/faggot/gay/virgin etc.

calling us Fags/Gay/virgins/"need thick skin for BZ servers"
This one might get me in some trouble, but I have to ask. Where is the lie in this statement? I mean seriously (no puns intended with my previous response to that report), if you're getting that offended over this kind of shit, get the fuck off the internet buddy. I honestly think that the idea of "needing thick skin for BZ servers" is an understatement, and in fact you need thicker skin just to be on the internet.

My squad-mates were pissed, so I joked and said I was going to Change my name to LAwD0GGisGGGGhay, since apparently BZ admins ok w/Gay.

Well, well, well...Look who make a complaint, Mr. "need thick skin for BZ servers" himself; https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-lawd0gg78-about-player-kb-lawd0ggisgggghay.21571/
Name change is whatever... Clearly didn't do anything with that report aside from mentioning a discovery on my end that would result in further investigation. Aside from that comment, nothing happened.

So, let me get this strait....I'm banned (PlumTreeKilla) because I broke no rules , but my name changes is kinda, sorta (but not really), similar to many Other players that have issues with the same guy, DoucheDoggg (err. I meant LAwD0GG78).
You had rule violations across both accounts. We have solid evidence on our end that confirms that both accounts belong to you (and before you ask, no the information will not be disclosed), and the ban is more than justified. LAwD0GG78 is not to blame for this. Your actions over the course of playing here on multiple accounts led up to this ban being issued. Had you not been a racist prick in chat and intentionally teamkill several times, you wouldn't have been banned. You burned your bridges here buddy. Changing your name repeatedly in an attempt to hide your identity didn't work, and even then we have enough information that links both of your accounts.

Now I see why all my friend say BZ is notorious for their Badmins, they protect their friends/doners and do not apply the rules evenly or fairly....I broke no rules and am guilty of having a name kinda, sorta, maybe similar to other players that have issues with a known troublemaker.
The thing about the "badmins" concept is that we're only called that by the troublemakers who get caught and are disciplined. It's their arrogance to our 4 simple rules in the server that gets them into more trouble and have such a negative outlook on us. At the end of the day, we address all rule violations the same across the board regardless of who you are or what your status is here in the community. Donators, friends, members, and admins are not exempt to the rules. Everyone is held accountable to our rules, and those rules in place are as simple as they get.

In short, you fucked around and found out. Sorry it didn't end the way you thought it would, but it's game over here at Banzore for you.