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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: RickGrimezzzzz

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In-game Name RickGrimezzzzz

Have you cheated before? No I hate cheaters they ruin the fun for the game

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I thought some was hacking so I told them to uninstall, and someone was saying ban me, and I reply with are you ok mentally. And shortly after that I was kicked

Why should we lift your ban? I really enjoy this game have almost 11 years memories with this amazing game, and if it wasn’t for you guys who makes it possible to play with your servers. That’s why I swear to not say anything like that again. My deepest apologies, I really hope you guys unban me only server I can play.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) Could not lunch game.Please make sure it’s installed correctly.

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Dude, chill. We have lives and some of us are busy working. We’ll look into this when we can.
Ima say this cuz I won’t be able to touch this game ever again. Idk why u guys perm ban people, not even R6 dose this and that games community is way more toxic, I just don’t understand how you guys can’t give a second chance when you have all the power in the world to ban us again if we proceed to disrespect others again in chat. If u guys are so serious about your policy please for the others who jus reinstalled the game that are jus trying to have fun and don’t know the rules please jus PUT ON UR SERVER NO TOXICITY cuz ive never seen such a strict server like you guys
We don’t tolerate racism, it shouldn’t be that hard to notice. It’s in the server description when you load in and gets sent in chat periodically.
first off idk how i was being racist i just used the n word witch is not racist at all if ur black LMAO, i dont understand u guys i was being nice even sent a donation jus so you knew i meant no trouble, i was just pissed at the hacker in the lobby. Anyways its over im banned nothing i can do, god bless have a great night


You’re a moron. It doesn’t matter what your race, ethnicity or culture is, the word itself is still a racial slur. The fact that you think differently shows you’re part of a bigger problem in this world and contribute to racism never being eradicated. Enjoy playing elsewhere, we don’t want your stupidity here.
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