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Temp Ban Ban Appeal: Ryu_Deathgrip

In-game Name Ryu_Deathgrip

Have you cheated before? No.

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Said the word "negro" even though I'm black and was talking to another fellow black player. However, now knowing that Banzore considers this "racist"; I won't be using it in the future in any type of conversation or joking matter and would just like a second chance.

Why should we lift your ban? Even though I have a history of using satire or other forms of humor in most of my in-game chats, I would like Banzore to know that I am serious in the way that I won't be using the word again, even in a joking manner to other black players. I would like a second chance as I believe everyone should have second chances to prove themselves, so I'd just like a second chance in proving that I can be trusted on all Banzore servers.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) "racism"

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
You were issued a 2D temporary ban that expires in ~31 hours. Please review our rules as additional violations will result in much longer bans.
We hold all of our players to the same standard. We have an automatic language filter in place and consider this to be filter evasion, even if you meant it all in good fun, there are those who would not.


I understand how this could be taken as filter evasion and I'm sorry for giving off that impression, but I assure you, the staff and the Banzore community that it wasn't. A lot of the things I say in chat are mostly in good fun, but I'll take these next few days to reevaluate how I hold myself online so I won't make the same mistakes.

Thank you