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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: Spazboy9490

In-game Name Spazboy9490

What game were you banned from? BF4

Date of ban Aug 8, 2018

Have you cheated before? Negative

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? tldr I was banned for hacking, but I wasn't.

I talked to hawk in TS after the ban happened. He said that I was using wall hacks etc. I am not try to discredit hawk at all as he has been in that spot probably 100x. It is extremely hard to prove that I am not. I've been in hawks spot and the admins spot 1000 times. I used to host communities in Delta force BF2 Joint Ops, sadly minecraft. I've had to deal with 100s of punk ass kids cheating. I know how the process works.

Why should we lift your ban? Let me start off saying I know the spot the admins are in. I've been there I know the questions to ask and just seeing a few clips makes it easy to just ban. If you can give me one thing let me prove that I'm not cheating

Some background, I have been playing BF and DF competitively and at a very high level. You might still be able to find me on liquipedia! I am not try to gloat or come off smug. Just want some back ground.

I am willing to do anything. I will stream my self playing the game, Ill let you access my pc via team viewer or screen connect.
When it comes to those maps you know the choke points and you know where people will/can be. it is super easy to just blind fire through smoke and hit people.

I don't know what would prove it to the admins that I am not cheating, If you let me know what it is Ill be more then willing to provide for it. Please just do not blow this off, let me fight my side of the case.

Banzore is a great community, Ive been lerking for a while and have been looking to join. I even made this account to apply. I used to be apart of =rtr= but they are a shell of what they once were.
Also I saw the Clip that HAWK had. I was going through all of the banned clips and it popped up.

The First one shot was just luck a blind fire. If it had the rest of the game you would know they were commonly running through there and that way

The 2nd one where hawk said I was cheating. I saw the lazer/flashlight of the player running. On my screen it was MUCH bigger and easy to see. It might be due to youtubes compression or what ever grfx setting hawk was running. But if you put it to x.25 in the speed and start at :50 sec you can SEE the flashlight just AT the :52 mark. It was only about 3 frames but enough.

So I was thinking they threw a smoke and were going to use it to advance. So I moved my sight and adjusted my spot so I can see at the very edge of the smoke. This is super common in CS. I know most players will not just straight up run through smoke they will go to the edge to peak. Again at the 55 second mark you can see the character run through the smoke. After I saw him lay down that is when I moved my sight again and fired.

This is a stretch but Im running a 4k overclocked to about 110hz running at 80-120 fps. You are missing SO much not just in this clip but just in gameplay in general.

I was not tracking him. The play that the enemy made was a super common one and predictable.


You're Never Right!
I hope to have an answer to you by tomorrow. Sorry, I've been very busy as I work 2 jobs.


You're Never Right!
Thank you for your patience. At this time I have had a few other Admins review the footage and our decision is to keep the ban in place and not remove it.