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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: WhiteWolfPro360

In-game Name WhiteWolfPro360

Have you cheated before? Never.

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was mostly throwing in the game and doing only. However, I think this was a year ago, and I am finally getting back on to grind again.

Why should we lift your ban? I really want to play with my dad who loves to play hardcore, and I know I will never throw or TK. It's been a year as well, so now I know what it feels like to have the game ruined by somebody else. The only thing I have done was teamkill, and nothing else. I am done throwing, I am now ready to grind and complete this game. Also, I got BF2042, and I think you guys know the situation with that game, so I'm sticking with BF4. If you lift my ban, I will be very grateful, but I can't guarantee I might accidentally shoot a teammate every once in a while. I will try my best not to. I am only banned from your servers and nothing else, and checked my username on the website and it says that I am banned. You only have to appeal me once, and I will never cause trouble again. Thank you.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) TeamKillBan

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
I have no words.

View attachment 10655

You also have more teamkills than kills on our servers. 107 teamkills: 102 enemy kills
The other stats are just sad to look at. You probably single-handedly lost games for your team.

Man, did you even read what I said??? I really mean it. It's been a year, maybe even 2, I can't even remember. I don't see a purpose in TK. It doesn't give me anything. If you approve my appeal, watch me and you won't see any more teamkills. It doesn't benefit me and you, so why would I do it. And why you guys laughing at my message? :( I'm just tryna get my account back and I swear I won't cause any trouble. I've learned my lesson, and I'm really trying to get better at BF4 but I need hardcore for that. Plus, you guys are like half the servers, so it's hard for me to get into a game. Please man, I just want my account back. I know the stats look bad, but check the dates and give me another chance. Watch me for a week or a month or something and If I'm back to TK, then ban me and don't even talk to me for a third appeal.