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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: WhiteWolfPro360

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In-game Name WhiteWolfPro360

Have you cheated before? Never.

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was banned for trolling.

Why should we lift your ban? This is the second time I am trying to appeal after getting banned. I understand that y'all don't tolerate people who just troll and screw around and mess up your servers. That's exactly the kind of person I was. I can see what I did wrong, and it's been years since I got the ban. You can check it. If you guys seriously think that I'm just asking you to appeal me to troll again, then you guys can watch me if you do appeal me. If you guys still think I'm trolling, y'all can ban me and never appeal again. I'm asking for one more chance, and that's all.

Kick reason (from Battlelog) TeamKillBan

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
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