In-game Name x_I_mimmortal_l_x
Have you cheated before? no
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? As seen in the video uploaded by CorruptDLL user (who complained about getting accidentally TKed by me), I immediately apologized. I even explained it to him in the next game too when he asked me about intentional TK. My mouse's left-button was stuck and I could not click anything... so as I spawned at C base, was running I and trying to hit my mouse to get it unstuck. I told the same to CorruptDLL immediately after apologizing as you can see in the screenshot.
While I was bashing my mouse on the mouse pad, it got unstuck. The first unintended fire hit CorruptDLL who was standing there. It was a complete accident.
Importantly, the comment in the screenshot 'umnnn lol' was towards 'sensory overload' who TKed me with a nade/m320. As you can see in the screenshot he even said sorry to me for TKing me. The laughing was not towards CorruptDLL but it was about me getting TKed by sensory_overload.
Why should we lift your ban? I have never cheated, I only use BZ servers because I love the gamers on this server, and I did not kill CorruptDLL on purpose. I apologized right-away after the incident.
Kick reason (from Battlelog) Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: intentional teamkill [2d22h][BigBadBagOfSwag][Appeal at]
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
Have you cheated before? no
What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? As seen in the video uploaded by CorruptDLL user (who complained about getting accidentally TKed by me), I immediately apologized. I even explained it to him in the next game too when he asked me about intentional TK. My mouse's left-button was stuck and I could not click anything... so as I spawned at C base, was running I and trying to hit my mouse to get it unstuck. I told the same to CorruptDLL immediately after apologizing as you can see in the screenshot.
While I was bashing my mouse on the mouse pad, it got unstuck. The first unintended fire hit CorruptDLL who was standing there. It was a complete accident.
Importantly, the comment in the screenshot 'umnnn lol' was towards 'sensory overload' who TKed me with a nade/m320. As you can see in the screenshot he even said sorry to me for TKing me. The laughing was not towards CorruptDLL but it was about me getting TKed by sensory_overload.
Why should we lift your ban? I have never cheated, I only use BZ servers because I love the gamers on this server, and I did not kill CorruptDLL on purpose. I apologized right-away after the incident.
Kick reason (from Battlelog) Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: intentional teamkill [2d22h][BigBadBagOfSwag][Appeal at]
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes
I have checked and verified that I am not banned at Yes