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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: x_l_mimmorta_l_x

In-game Name x_l_mimmorta_l_x

Have you cheated before? Never

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? The TK of Dad_E_Raz was not intentional at all. While waiting to spawn I saw the Amtrac approaching C and predicting that it will continue to C turn I wanted to lay down antitank mines ASAP. So as I came out of the spawn fast, I ditched the bike to start mining. Bike hit Raz and he got killed. I even called out sorry immediately -

Why should we lift your ban? It was unintentional TK

Kick reason (from Battlelog) I tried but not showing the error on webpage - just shows permaban message on the game window

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://bf4db.com Yes

I have checked and verified that I am not banned at https://battlefield.agency Yes
Looks like you're extremely unlucky then. You set out to place anti-vehicle mines down but got a teamkill in the process. Even with all that, you still failed to get mines down according to the video evidence provided.

You have an extensive history of getting upset that your team isn't playing the way you'd like them to and then resorting to teamkilling.

Did you seriously not see your teammate in front of you before you ditched the bike? Even if you claim that you were staring at your minimap, he would've popped up.
Sorry, I am not not staring at the mini map, I saw the mini map when I spaned and saw amtrac moving to C turn. I always lay mines there under smoke. I am saying that I ditched bike well before so I wont hit him on the turn right outside the base - he moved back (as you see right before he died in his video) , aligned him with the bike ditch path .. and unfortunately he died.
Sorry, I am not not saying that I was staring at the mini map, I saw the mini map when I spawned and saw amtrac moving to C turn. I always lay mines there under smoke.

I am saying that I ditched bike well before so I wont hit him on the turn right outside the base - he moved back (as you see right before he died in his video) , aligned him with the bike ditch path .. and unfortunately he died.