Battleblog #12: Fight for the honor and glory of your Battle


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Battleblog #12: Fight for the honor and glory of your Battlefield 3 Platoon!

Here's an easy video to watch that will explain some of the features of battlelog (the web browser interface for BF3). I for one really like this interface and prefer it over the in-game ones that we have seen in the past. This just works a lot better.

I don't think that all of the functions are working properly at this time, but it sure feels better. ... atoon.aspx
i'm starting to like it more too, some of my stuff isn't working great but when it does it should be cool
I think the server browser is 10 times better than any other game browser I've used. I don't have to walk away from my computer for a few minutes while the browser populates.

Also, I'm not limited to 20 friends.

Also, it's not CoD.

Also, I think this will be a far better recruiting tool, as everybody will be able to check out our "platoon" and we can direct people to the forums once we get them hooked!

We can use the party function to get them into a voice channel and really work on the recruiting that way.

Also, if we know this shit backwards and forwards, which I know we will, we will be able to woo new recruits with the wisdom we shower them with.

We can show them things they didn't even know they could do.

In closing, we are all entitled to opinions, and my goal is not to belittle anyone else's or to say that mine is better, but my opinion is that we should try and use this new system to our advantage (because I think there are some) rather than dismiss it as either a facebook game or just bells and whistles.

There is potential here, and I know that we can realize it to its fullest.
I dunno. If I put you in charge folks might be scared enough to try

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