Battlefield 5??

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I understand that 1 will be released after Alpha & Beta testing. But I heard somewhere that they were also looking into creating 5. Is this correct??
Yes. BF5 is actually going to use the Cryengine, the graphics engine that powers games like farcry and crysis. IGN had a page on it being based in a world where the USA instead of using nuclear weapons on Russia developed a radio frequency that shrinks people to the size on a pea rendering them not a threat. The USA accidentally released a much more powerful signal and it also shrunk them as we'll. War ensues between humans and the world, world war world has begun. All humans must band together in the most remarkable war in history. Ants now seem to be size of cars, birds are automated killing machines. Humans develop the ability to manufacture weapons, jets and helicopters on a scale they can use. A modern day starship troopers universe is created, small homes become the burial place for tens of thousands of people, sky scrapers represent different countries and tribes. WILL YOU BE ABLE TO ADAPT!? Can you count by twos and tie you're shoes! Get ready for the next exciting episode! Of baaaatttlle fiieeeellld fiiivvvee.  Just kidding suck my dick  
I guess he said that he was going to stay away from bZ and that it was never fun. So not sure
Why do you find the need to display something I told you in private. Would you care if others went around and did the same to you?? I'm starting to understand why Offices wanted you out of their unit. Heck, if you want to, why not bring up the fact that I have been donating money to your servers before I wrote post number 1. Interesting how you don't bring up that "Private" conversation I had with you. You care to bring anything else up?? 
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I vote we tie him a bed and slap his face with our wieners, kinda like that scene out of full metal jacket and the soap bars.
Why do you find the need to display something I told you in private. Would you care if others went around and did the same to you?? I'm starting to understand why Offices wanted you out of their unit. Heck, if you want to, why not bring up the fact that I have been donating money to your servers before I wrote post number 1. Interesting how you don't bring up that "Private" conversation I had with you. You care to bring anything else up?? 

A one on one conversation doesn't always mean private bud, to be honest I don't get why you feel like you get more privacy or anything else just because you've donated money. A donation is a gift, where you give something not expecting anything in return.

Don't be petty dude..
Something something private something insult something.  But did anyone else find Vegeeta's reply as funny as I did?!
Outlaw. Please "Think" before you jump. Your "Perception" on what I wrote is quite incorrect. Why not read it over once again without being biassed. It's quite fun. You actually get to do some "Critical Thinking". Now if you don't understand that concept. Google it, or just ask me and I'll teach you....Sounds good?? And pleaser don't give me this "Bullshit" that a "Private Message" is not private at all. Here's a thought. Look at what it reads. "Private Message" If your still confused, look up the meaning of Private. You might actually learn something for the day....
The real question is why the hell this thread even exist? Why are you asking questions you already know Google can answer? I'm not sure what meds you take but you say alot of really offset shit.  Like the other day you said in game you where a great helicopter gunner and then the very next sentence you asked what key to press to get into a vehicle.  Making threads about how to add a friend onto Origin and really, really, simple shit the internet has answers for. I don't get it. From a physiological standpoint you just crave attention regardless of if its positive or negative.
Here here But you know what I think ???? I know you don't but I am gonna say it anyways


having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.

"a narcissistic actress"

synonyms:vain, self-loving, self-admiring, self-absorbed, self-obsessed, conceited, self-centered,self-regarding, egotistic, egotistical, egoistic; 

informalfull of oneself
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Good God...Would you people just read what your writing?? It's like you guys are "Dry Humping". Just let it go.......
Forum rules say you have to kneel before the individual responsible for the 2nd post on a Forum Topic, hence forth rendering it 'Active", and pronounce in common English "I suck dick for coke and I'm white trash" out loud on TS before it can be "dismissed"... Do you not know of these laws good sir?

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So, I'm just going to go ahead and jump in here and shut this thread down also. Clearly, we have departed from the Battlefield 5 topic and into Flaming Biscuits.

Thus far, Franklin, you have succeeded in uniting our community against you. Congratulations in finally getting everyone to work together.

I don't understand your persistence or continued presence, but I'm fairly certain I know how this ends.

As ever, feel free to PM me with any further complaints.
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