BC2 - Map Pack 5 is OUT!!!


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
They just open up various parts of the same old maps for different game types, etc. If you bought BC2 and had a VIP code, the maps are free and should be there already when you log in.
map packs do not cost PC gamers any extra bux....console guys pay extra i think(not 100% sure)....

the new maps are now in rotation (on our servers)

YoshiBishi said:
I fail at the new maps.
"you" and "fail" and "I" and "fail" you never be used together....

instead it is more like "I did horrible the first time playing the new maps...."


you be good man.....way better than me anywayz....
Takes me like 5 minutes to figure out what direction people are coming from, lol. I have to pull up the map and just look at it for a while.
Billybong said:
YoshiBishi said:
I fail at the new maps.
"you" and "fail" and "I" and "fail" you never be used together....

instead it is more like "I did horrible the first time playing the new maps...."


you be good man.....way better than me anywayz....
Jesus Christ , how do his ballz taste , with his cock so far down your throat 8O 8O 8O