BF 3 Server Maintenance

I agree there have been outtages. But, I try and give people a break on shit like this. It's not like we haven't been playing.

Once we figured out what we could do on our end, we fixed it, and now it's working.

I just think it's premature to throw the game under the buss because shit wasn't running all cherry right out of the box.

Name one game that did.
Pinecone said:
Lead said:
Drunk Kremlin said:
good luck with that Cuba. I mean we are already on patch R8 or R9 and they still haven't figured nothing out. BF3 unfortunately was not ready for release and they pushed it out the door anyhow to appease stock holders and profit margins, which leaves us as a clan stuck holding a bill for a server in the amount of $106/mo. that we can't even enjoy or use due to EA's server stability and server search issues. We are paying for a service in which we are not receiving. IMO, this is entirely unacceptable we need to look into seeing what we might be able to do along the lines of getting some kind of kick-back or a free subscription for a month on the BF3 server. TECH TEAM ACTIVATE!!!!!
so it looks like its prolly a good thing i didnt run out and buy it (meanwhile that sucks)
i get paid friday so ill prolly go grab it :) i still need windows 7 tho......