BF1 to much B.S.


-bZ- Member
bf1 will be my last purchase from EA, $80 for a game that has to many rules for running a server, glitches, and high priced additional add-on's , i'm an old man on a pretty good retirement and can afford any game any PC, I hear a sucking sound coming from EA, and as long as the gaming community pays the outrages price it will keep going up.
It's all good brotha just relax and give it some time EA games is less organized than a flock of geese in a hailstorm and they take much longer than they should to patch a game properly.. Personally I don't own the game but at the moment bZ has the most popular hardcore BF1 server in the world and clearly those who are seeding on a regular basis have helped out dramatically. If you are indeed done with BF1 our BF4 servers need all the help they can get especially Metro. Both Metro and AllMaps fill up 100% everyday just takes a little longer. I've seen you on quite often helping out and it goes a long way! Thanks for taking time out of you're day to help every little bit helps :)
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Thanks for the reply Vegetaa01, at my age I don't buy green bananas, So why would I wait for EA to get their shit together ? 20 years ago when I loaded up MS combat flight sim for the first time, it was game on, and fun, I realize technology has brought gaming to a new level, it just appears that the market wants your money upfront, then fix the game as we go !! I ask you, is that anyway to run a railroad ? I said all of that to just say this...I will game BF1 & BF4 in Banzore, and will continue to support this clan in any capacity I can, but no 'more' EA games for me till there is accountability in their product.
The market has become a product of the peoples desires over the last 5-10 years. Everyone can sit around and say how much they despise DLC, micro transactions, unpolished games, etc; talk about the good ol' days (I remember them fondly) before there was a giant leap forward in tech, but the truth is that if everyone meant what they said then they wouldn't be supporting this behavior from companies game after game, year after year.

Until consumers as a whole start putting their money where their mouth is then you can expect the trend to gradually degrade over time, as often is the case for trends in the long run. They run their course until bled dry or until a radical change is made.

As we all know, money talks.
It's a double-edged sword. The consumer wants a better product than the one they currently have, and they want it sooner than they got the last one. That's the demand, so I think they meet that demand the best they can. I remember when a game would last for 3 or 4 years. Now, they release new titles every 6 months.

Supply and demand.