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BF2 Project Reality Night!!!


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
It's back!

There's still no contest for me as far as game play and replayability; PR is still hands down the greatest game I've ever played, and I still love playing it!

One or two peeps have expressed an interest in a PR Night, and I'm for sure interested. This game is a great release for me, and the wife said I could have at least one night a week that I could dedicate to this.

As long as we get a good 3 or 4 man squad going, it opens a huge amount of things that we can do that I could never do by myself. If we keep it up for a few weeks and everybody is groovin', this shit could be a lot of fun. But regardless, I plan on playing once a week.

Right now, I am thinking about inking in Tuesday or Wednesday as the weekly night. Does anybody that wants to play have a preference?

If anybody is interested in participating, post in this thread or PM me by clicking on the PM icon underneath my avatar. I will get you set up with all the downloads, patches and shit like that. If we need to schedule a few training sessions for newbies or to work on a specific tactic or piece of equipment, we can do that too.

***** The game Battlefield 2 is required for PR, but the mod and all the patches are free. Last seen, BF2 was available for purchase for like $8 or something on Amazon. *****


-bZ- Member
FUCK YEA CR8Z!!! Tuesday is best for me but i can do Wednesday if that's what everyone prefers.

Time to break out the E-Tools and start digging some F.O.Bs


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Alright, Tuesday it is. Time is not nailed down yet, business comes first, but I'm aiming for 5pm to 8pm PST or something like that.

Spartan, you are more than welcome to join. I will be sending you a PM to make sure that you're shit is working. I don't want to get to the actual PR night and spend lots of time making sure everything is patched properly, etc. Let's do that before hand.


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
This is a much better form of communication for you. You actually make sense now!


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
My project reality night starts tomorrow night between 5pm and 6pm PST. If you're interested, lemme' know. If not, leave me alone.


-bZ- Member
AHHHHH I MISSED IT!!!!! I was doing homework! GRRRRRR RAGE!!!!


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
I've seen all your jackass posts, stupid, find somebody else to bully. :grin:

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


-bZ- Member
what time we doing PR tonight CR8Z? I saw your poke in TS last night.


-bZ- Member
Pinecone said:
CR8Z said:
I've seen all your jackass posts, stupid, find somebody else to bully. :grin: Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
That doesn't answer my question. Who erased my posts?

wtf go back to the shore ones fuck this guy!!!!!


-bZ- Member
Pinecone said:
I guess the Jersey Shore is too real for some Sparty. They erase my shit then question my Intelligence.
not it


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
I haven't deleted shit. I love the Shore shit, it makes my private parts all tingly.

I'll be on tonight between 5 and 6pm PST, depending on work.