BF3 Servers

Trying to turn around the trend. We had some nice population numbers, then I think people got bored of it, so I'm trying something similar but different. Let's populate that bitch!
The game requires a 24-bit color, 512x64 pixel PNG/JPG that is under 127 KB in size. The URL must be 128 characters or less long.
We need the graphics art committee to hop into action this Easter!
There is no rush on it. At least as far as the server settings are concerned.

Right now it's:

Conquest - Op Firestorm

Conquest - Noshahar Anal

ConquestAssault - Sharqi Peninsula

Conquest64 - Caspian Border

Conquest - Kharg Island
All good in the hood. Just trying different shit.

I think people like that Noshar Canals, and the larger version has jets in it.