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BF4 and BZ are more than just a game and server, and a word on rules, policing chat, and getting annoyed by everything

I share the same thought but there is a fine line between the historical and the political, the economic and the political, it's kind of annoying to tell the truth because as you said "any dialogue can approach political etiquette with enough digging" and you can't get into a topic deep due to this risking a possible ban, a close example was when one or several players began to talk about how in my country they killed communists, alluding to the methods and even told me why they did not apply them to me, anyway, I began to explain to them why the actions of the dictatorship at that time and its close relationship with the United States government/CIA, they warned me not to continue speaking or they would report me (even when they told me to commit suicide). There is a fine line... To this day I have someone who calls me a communist, he is a recognized player on the server, he uses it as an insult (which I don't mind at all) but he has never received a punishment for it and other players who are about to cross that line yes.

History must be told for what it was, beyond ideologies and it is the same as in economies.

My name is in honor of one of the many native tribes that were killed by the government, so should it be a political name or does it just have a political background?

and its not because its political by nature, its because politics have entrenched traditional values as a talking point to pander to dopey college students who have never had a job. ultimately, we have traded freedom of thought for perceived security. its very feminine and bizarre to me to cry to mommy about every little thing when we're all damn near 40+

if someone is being a dick, by all means report... but you have to apply some reasonability.
and its not because its political by nature, its because politics have entrenched traditional values as a talking point to pander to dopey college students who have never had a job. ultimately, we have traded freedom of thought for perceived security. its very feminine and bizarre to me to cry to mommy about every little thing when we're all damn near 40+

if someone is being a dick, by all means report... but you have to apply some reasonability.

I will concede to some points above and put my foot in my mouth by saying that political chat on social media and in life has has turned people into unrelenting know-it-all assholes, so I understand the strict enforcement of the rule. There are a few reasons for people being unable to understand another's point of view and being unable to appreciate nuance, but I think a strong reason are the debate classes from high school. These dopey kids are taught (and it has extended to adults) to find a position, or be thrust into one, and then artfully, creatively, and vehemently defend it without opening their ears or their minds to reasonable logic, lateral thinking, and nuance - usually stemming from lack of life experience as you say. No one can ever be wrong anymore. Yes, many adults do in fact lack life experience.
I use your interaction in-server yesterday. Dude fired into uncap, claiming he was fired upon. You called him out. He defended his position saying that well it must have been your boat gunners who did it. Watching the video, I was one of your boat gunners. We didn't shoot, or so it seems from the video. I can say for certain I didn't shoot. He could have said 'hey man, my bad, this is what I thought, won't happen again', but he had to defend his position vehemently. I even offered a succinct explanation of the fire out-fire in nuance, to which a reasonable response may have been "okay thanks for the details", but instead a vehement defense of one's position was deemed the better course of action.
I've fucked up on the server before, and I quickly apologize and provide an explanation, and usually accept the verbal bashing that comes afterward. Normally, the dispute is settled and we go back to gaming. I've reported a few in server lately, captured video of violations, then called people out and told them they were being recorded. This alone has usually caused the shit behaviour to stop and sometimes for the shithead to leave. For some, this is not enough.
I don't know what I'm saying other than I saw yesterday and I hear you. Maybe we do need to report everything and be absolutely strict on everything. Because it sure seems that many others have dug their feet in and refuse to move for absolutely anything.
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The rules should be the same for everyone we don’t need players whose only goal is to disrupt game play by spamming chat

All game servers in all online games have rules for chat because it can get out of hand and cause players to leave the server which hurts everyone

The long winded snowflakes that think they are above the rules are the worst