BF4 Server - Admins

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Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
This list has been updated to reflect the current admins as of 6/9/15. This thread has been locked. Any questions, comments or concerns should be PM'd to CR8Z or Jackson.







EZ Bawlin






Sorry if I forgot you, but please post here and I will get you added.
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These are the in-game commands you can use. Simply open any chat window and type the following:

All members get the following controls!kick and !tban

"!kick" or "!k", plus part of any player name, will kick that player (or players, if more than one matches) from the server.

"!tban" does a five-minute ban instead.


"!say" uses admin.say to print a message in each player’s notification area.


"!move" or "!fmove" is used to move a player or players to a new team/squad. As part of this, they will be killed. The player specification is the same as for !kick. If no other parameters are specified, the player(s) get moved to the opposite team(s); otherwise, the numeric team and squad are used.

Usage examples:

!move playername

.. moves "playername" to the opposite team

!move playername 1 2

.. moves "playername" to team 1 and squad 2
All admins get the following controls!kick and !tban

"!kick" or "!k", plus part of any player name, will kick that player (or players, if more than one matches) from the server.

"!tban" does a five-minute ban instead.


"!say" uses admin.say to print a message in each player’s notification area.


"!move" or "!fmove" is used to move a player or players to a new team/squad. As part of this, they will be killed. The player specification is the same as for !kick. If no other parameters are specified, the player(s) get moved to the opposite team(s); otherwise, the numeric team and squad are used.

Usage examples:

!move playername

.. moves "playername" to the opposite team

!move playername 1 2

.. moves "playername" to team 1 and squad 2


"!ban" or "!b" works like kick, but also bans the player(s) and has an optional second parameter of a reason for the ban (to be recorded by the game). The daemon bans both through PB and the regular game, using GUIDs.


"!nextmap" or "!nextlevel" tells the server to switch to the next map in the cycle (actually, the next round, which may not be a new map).


"!restartmap" or "!restartlevel" restarts the current map.
A word on admining the server.

There should be almost NO REASON WHATSOEVER TO KICK/BAN/OR ADMIN THE SERVER IN ANY WAY. This is a last ditch effort to keep griefers off the server. You do not get to kick/ban/grief people because you THINK or "KNOW" they are hacking.

That said, if someone is causing individuals and or members to leave the server, then it is in our best interest to remove that someone from the server. This is the only time you should have to admin the server.

Anybody abusing admin will either lose certain admin privileges, or will lose the admin privilege all together.

We want pubbers to know that admins are on and available, but we don't want them to think that we admin just because we're getting our asses handed to us, or because we are on some sort of power trip.

Use the admin tools judiciously and sparingly. Nudge people instead of banning them. Talk to them first; ALWAYS. Let them know that somebody is watching, but will only act when absolutely necessary.

Post here if you have any questions.
I knkw we were talking about the server tonight on there anything I can do to try to help. Does the server need more money for better setup or something. Just let me know and Iill try to help what I can.
Right now, I think we just need to keep the server populated until DICE/NFO can work out the bugs. We just received this via NFO.

BF4 version R3Oct 31 2013 12:12:34 PM PT BF4 server version R3 (87254) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

We haven't been told yet whether we can release a changelog, but we know that this build does not address crash bugs. Those fixes will need to come later.
Of course, this restarted the server and it is now 2/64. We need some bodies!
Dots was added to rcon, but I forgot to add him to the list. He is there now.
-bZ-Kirkenjerk would like to throw his name in for consideration please.

I see lots of admins listed but few who do the work of populating and admining the two servers.

I challenge all admins to be a more involved admin for 2014!!

Happy New Year!
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