All admins get the following controls!kick and !tban
"!kick" or "!k", plus part of any player name, will kick that player (or players, if more than one matches) from the server.
"!tban" does a five-minute ban instead.
"!say" uses admin.say to print a message in each player’s notification area.
"!move" or "!fmove" is used to move a player or players to a new team/squad. As part of this, they will be killed. The player specification is the same as for !kick. If no other parameters are specified, the player(s) get moved to the opposite team(s); otherwise, the numeric team and squad are used.
Usage examples:
!move playername
.. moves "playername" to the opposite team
!move playername 1 2
.. moves "playername" to team 1 and squad 2
"!ban" or "!b" works like kick, but also bans the player(s) and has an optional second parameter of a reason for the ban (to be recorded by the game). The daemon bans both through PB and the regular game, using GUIDs.
"!nextmap" or "!nextlevel" tells the server to switch to the next map in the cycle (actually, the next round, which may not be a new map).
"!restartmap" or "!restartlevel" restarts the current map.