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Blanket complaint.

Not intentional.

I saw a cunthair of a player's figure coming out from behind a rooftop and another building's side structure at A. Because there was so much overlap from the other building there were no tags present.

Tags weren't present, I saw a knee and part of an arm present and a ucav which I thought were enemy since I saw enemy choppers flying by there previously.
except that was in our spawn which I'm pretty sure enemies can't hide in... plus you were outlandishly toxic in chat and everyone in the lobby was tired of it. Ironic you report nathdog for tk yet you'll gladly do the same....oh and it wasn't intentional yet you didn't apologize for the tk, interesting.
except that was in our spawn which I'm pretty sure enemies can't hide in... plus you were outlandishly toxic in chat and everyone in the lobby was tired of it. Ironic you report nathdog for tk yet you'll gladly do the same....oh and it wasn't intentional yet you didn't apologize for the tk, interesting.
To be fair, if ANYONE knows about camping in spawn with important vehicles and sabotaging their own team, its you Blanket.
That's cute that you guys keep sending each other little heart emojis and whatnot. Do you lay on your stomach and kick your feet while you read each others messages too? Don't report people for teamkilling when you do the same thing. I said my piece.
That's cute that you guys keep sending each other little heart emojis and whatnot. Do you lay on your stomach and kick your feet while you read each others messages too? Don't report people for teamkilling when you do the same thing. I said my piece.
Tssk. Awww.

Accidents happen. Enemy choppers were flying back in our A flag/uncap area earlier, you just had barely a knee and an arm hanging out with a ucav launching and there weren't any tags. It was not intentional.

If your feelings are boo-boo'd, up your hormone replacement therapy meds.
Talk about feelings when you'll report someone for doing the same thing you do. You know what's worse than a loud mouth behind a keyboard? A hypocrite.
@Grim9O7 Oh look, it's the pussy who took a little damage from someone trying to get his dumb ass to move(not defending those actions, but it was a far cry from actual team griefing), so he went crying to his Big Daddy Bag . And reports me who didn't do anything because, "Your responsible for your gunner". LOL. What an absolute clown.
As outlined in your appeal, you were issued a temporary ban in hopes of bringing you onto our forums. As also mentioned, ramming friendly vehicles can turn out poorly, exercise more caution in the future.


-bZ- Member
That's cute that you guys keep sending each other little heart emojis and whatnot. Do you lay on your stomach and kick your feet while you read each others messages too? Don't report people for teamkilling when you do the same thing. I said my piece.

Hey dipshit, I pay 2x my monthly dues, I support the community, and guess what? I get sanctioned when I fuck up just the same as everyone else does and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The admin/mod team here is one of the most consistently fair admin/mod teams I've ever seen. Bar none. Including the teams I've been on as a mod.

The main requirements here are few.

1. No racism in chat.
2. No teamkilling/griefing, ever.
3. No firing into or near the uncap unless someone is in the uncap and firing out. And then you only get to fire at the guy firing out.

That's the shortest list I've ever seen.

By comparison the absolute and utter assholes over at VQ37 will ban you for:

1. Using transport helicopters as transport helicopters. Apparently these are a form of attack helicopter.
2. Parachuting from aircraft. (no shit)
3. Killing an admin/mod in game.
4. Using C4 on vehicles. (again; no shit)
5. Using mines.
6. Using grenades.
7. Planting beacons/spawns behind enemy lines.
8. Complaining about any of the above.

If you just can't manage to obey the three main rules here then here is not for you.

Suggestion: It costs about $200 a month to run your own server and the software that goes with it.

You try it out and get back to us about how you liked dealing with people who don't abide your rules, whatever they are.

Good luck.
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Hey dipshit, I pay 2x my monthly dues, I support the community, and guess what? I get sanctioned when I fuck up just the same as everyone else does and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The admin/mod team here is one of the most consistently fair admin/mod teams I've ever seen. Bar none. Including the teams I've been on as a mod.

The main requirements here are few.

1. No racism in chat.
2. No teamkilling/griefing, ever.
3. No firing into or near the uncap unless someone is in the uncap and firing out. And then you only get to fire at the guy firing out.

That's the shortest list I've ever seen.

By comparison the absolute and utter assholes over at VQ37 will ban you for:

1. Using transport helicopters as transport helicopters. Apparently these are a form of attack helicopter.
2. Parachuting from aircraft. (no shit)
3. Killing an admin/mod in game.
4. Using C4 on vehicles. (again; no shit)
5. Using mines.
6. Using grenades.
7. Planting beacons/spawns behind enemy lines.
8. Complaining about any of the above.

If you just can't manage to obey the three main rules here then here is not for you.

Suggestion: It costs about $200 a month to run your own server and the software that goes with it.

You try it out and get back to us about how you liked dealing with people who don't abide your rules, whatever they are.

Good luck.
WTF are you talking about? You got all butthurt and you have no idea what is even happening. I didn't teamkill anyone. I was telling Covert, since he reported a totally other player, to not report people if he's gonna teamkill too. Go take your Midol.


-bZ- Member
WTF are you talking about? You got all butthurt and you have no idea what is even happening. I didn't teamkill anyone. I was telling Covert, since he reported a totally other player, to not report people if he's gonna teamkill too. Go take your Midol.

I'm part of that "you" you mentioned here:

That's cute that you guys keep sending each other little heart emojis and whatnot. Do you lay on your stomach and kick your feet while you read each others messages too?
I don't intentionally teamkill.

TK's happen though. Especially at long ranges and the other player is mostly obscured by the side of a building. Yours was not on purpose, despite your claims.