Welcome to Banzore!

Be part of something great, join today!


Welcome to the BanZore recruiting section.

Please fill out this post by copying and pasting and creating a new post!

Basic Information:

1. Your In-game name: COD4

2. YOUR AGE: 26

3. Location: San Antonio, TX

4. What games you play: COD4

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? Not that i know of

6. Describe your usual gameplay: (Rushing, Camping, Laidback, Sniper,) Rushing/sniping

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? JoJo is a persistent recruiter... oh yeah and the guys seem pretty cool and very helpful

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you)

9 .Prior Clan Experience: C2C for about a month, never had enough members or participation so I quit when the server went down

10. Prior League Experience: None

11.Additional Information: In school

12.Availability for play: When not studying my ass off for engineering stuff

A mic and Teamspeak 3 are required to be in -bZ-

Get Teamspeak 3 here ---->

for 32-bit : http://ftp.4players.de/pub/hosted/ts3/r ... beta12.exe

for 64-bit : http://ftp.4players.de/pub/hosted/ts3/r ... beta12.exe

Before your trial period starts you need to get on Teamspeak and talk to us a little so we can get to know you. Then we place you on a trial period.

Once it is up, your app. will be posted in the members only section and the membership will leave feed back on you from that we will determine if you can be in our club. While gaming during your trial period please be on Teamspeak and be active in the forums. Your probation will last 2-4 weeks.

We have a total of 6 Recruiting Admins -bZ-JoJo, -bZ-C-Bear, -bZ-JaXX. -bZ-LilQueen, -bZ-A-Girl and -bZ-Angri.

If you have any questions please ask one of us.



Been here since the beginning
-bZ- Member
Thank you for your application. Jojo is a cool cat. Can get annoying fast (lol jp).

Check your private messages here shortly. Will be sending you some recruitment guidelines that explain how it works and also says some do's and don'ts here.

Thanks again for applying with banzore


-bZ- CubaLike Forums Whore!
-bZ- Member
don't let him play. he's better then me and i don't like it :p


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Once it is up, your app. will be posted in the members only section and the membership will leave feed back on you from that we will determine if you can be in our club. While gaming during your trial period please be on Vent and be active in the forums. Your probation will last 2-4 weeks.
Just noticed it in that last sentence there. I don't know how I missed all the TS3 stuff, but I latched on to the vent. Just being an asshole.


Been here since the beginning
-bZ- Member
Hillbilly made the post. I just changed.

Ty asswipe....I mean cr8z. lol jp