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BZ1 server

I had a hard time getting my EA app to work then once I got battlefield going I didn't see the BZ1 server, but other servers were up


-bZ- Member
A moment of silence for the IT and Programmer grunts receiving the blame for Microsoft not testing the code and then forcing the update.


This happened on Friday:

One of our services was down because of the Crowdstrike issue. One of our executives remembered that I was on the network team (which was nine years ago before I moved to ISO).

Calls me on MS Teams and has a nuclear meltdown because "You're not doing your fucking job and this is IMPORTANT!"

Threatens to write me up (he's not even in my management chain so this would be DOA at HR anyway) and I told him to go ahead because "I'm not going to do a single thing to fix your problem." Which is true since the company hosting the service is responsible for the uptime SLA.

On Wednesday I get the notice of the write up and I immediately acknowledged it and replied with a formal grievance accompanied by the recording of the Teams call (we record all of them and keep them for 180 days). Have yet to hear back but it won't be long before I do.

I imagine I'll have a week that's much more fun than usual. ;)

This happened on Friday:

One of our services was down because of the Crowdstrike issue. One of our executives remembered that I was on the network team (which was nine years ago before I moved to ISO).

Calls me on MS Teams and has a nuclear meltdown because "You're not doing your fucking job and this is IMPORTANT!"

Threatens to write me up (he's not even in my management chain so this would be DOA at HR anyway) and I told him to go ahead because "I'm not going to do a single thing to fix your problem." Which is true since the company hosting the service is responsible for the uptime SLA.

On Wednesday I get the notice of the write up and I immediately acknowledged it and replied with a formal grievance accompanied by the recording of the Teams call (we record all of them and keep them for 180 days). Have yet to hear back but it won't be long before I do.

I imagine I'll have a week that's much more fun than usual. ;)
Hope that executive wasn't a diversity hire... If so you can wave hi to your indian replacement as you walk out the door with a box of your stuff.


-bZ- Member
The Department Secretary sent me a message to let me know "this will be handled".

I checked with HR and the write-up against me has now been shitcanned. My grievance, however, is proceeding apace.

This happened on Friday:

One of our services was down because of the Crowdstrike issue. One of our executives remembered that I was on the network team (which was nine years ago before I moved to ISO).

Calls me on MS Teams and has a nuclear meltdown because "You're not doing your fucking job and this is IMPORTANT!"

Threatens to write me up (he's not even in my management chain so this would be DOA at HR anyway) and I told him to go ahead because "I'm not going to do a single thing to fix your problem." Which is true since the company hosting the service is responsible for the uptime SLA.

On Wednesday I get the notice of the write up and I immediately acknowledged it and replied with a formal grievance accompanied by the recording of the Teams call (we record all of them and keep them for 180 days). Have yet to hear back but it won't be long before I do.

I imagine I'll have a week that's much more fun than usual. ;)
Givem hell XD
I mean I did play bz1 the other day because it was the only one that worked, but it was low player count and not good.