bz5 server is constantly disconnected

I'm having this issue with all BZ servers only. Every other server I play on has been fine. BZ servers I get disconnected within 2 minutes of joining but played 3 hours straight on a different server.
A bit long winded but this guy was talking six months ago about major EA server issues coming... I was just wondering if its an EA issue rather than ddos attacks or glitches.
A bit long winded but this guy was talking six months ago about major EA server issues coming... I was just wondering if its an EA issue rather than ddos attacks or glitches.
But that's the thing. I am only hiving this issue with BZ servers. An EA issue would affect all servers
It would seem like between 10 and 11p EST the attacks or whatever on servers, start to take place.
Whoever it is waits til server is fairly populated, then goes on the attack.
Once it starts it doesnt stop til, sometime after 3am EST.

The most i seen on 1 and 1.5 last night, this am, was around 22 players.
Then BAMM.
After the first one, it will run the server for 5-15m, then crash out.

When you attempt to reconnect, it says.
"Can not connect, due to a reservation timing error...."

I havent noticed that they take place at all, during the day.
It's likely not an attack, especially a DDoS like so many others believe, and definitely not EA shutting down a service. If EA was shutting down BF4's PC support, then ALL servers would be affected. All EA did months ago was discontinue support for legacy versions of the game (PS3 and Xbox 360 servers).

If it was truly a DDoS, then nobody would be able to see the servers online, or sit in spectator for hours on end while the server has issues with running matches. It's a recurring cycle where after a set amount of players join the server, everyone gets kicked and the round restarts. Anyone sitting in spectator however aren't ejected from the server and observe this behavior. It's ultimately some handshake issue between EA and the server software from the provider.

Don't fall for the bullshit rumor mills that reside on forums like Reddit. I've been saying this for the last week or two, and nothing has changed. Plus if it was a DDoS and you were on the server, everyone would be experiencing extreme rubber-banding and teleporting before ultimately losing connection to the servers. Those looking to join the server wouldn't even be able to connect in the first place if it was a DDoS attack. What we're experiencing is far from being a DDoS attack.
How can we solve this. BZ is my last bastion.
I'm about to lose everything in bf4 now.
Does God really want me to do 2042? :eek:

Is this problem only happening in BZ?
Is BZ server operating on a different system than other servers?
I don't understand why this issue only happens with BZ servers.
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A PB reinstall isn't going to do anything other than ensure that you have the up to date version. It's not going to resolve the server sided issues that most BF4 servers are faced with right now. Again, there is nothing that we at Banzore can do. It's up to EA to get their shit together and get back to work.