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Can I get some help to please discontinue donations?


-bZ- Recruit
I’ve messaged Neo twice, assault once, contacted on the “contact us,” button, and asked for help on the discord.

Moving forward I no longer wish to donate. Please cancel the monthly reoccurring payment. Thank you.


-bZ- Recruit
In your PayPal "Recurring Payments" section you can just cancel the scheduled payment ezpz.
I used a card. I can issue a stop future payment (not gonna chargeback I had my fun) but I was hoping to avoid that. Classic shoulda used PayPal moment. Thank you for the comment.
In that case since chargebacks hurt everyone the easiest/quickest way (at least in my country) is to contact your bank and ask to prevent the recurring charge from going through. Doing it this way there is no penalty for any party as far as I know.


-bZ- Recruit
In that case since chargebacks hurt everyone the easiest/quickest way (at least in my country) is to contact your bank and ask to prevent the recurring charge from going through. Doing it this way there is no penalty for any party as far as I know.
If I don’t hear from anyone about it in the next week or so that’s probably what I’ll do. Thank you.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
They’re both very busy these days, that’s all. One of them will get to it soon.