Captain's Night?

Back in my TF2 days I played on a server that held what they called Captain's Night every Friday at 9pm.  They would put a password on the server and only allow those in TS to play.  We could use the scrim server but the TF2 clan used their main server.  Basically every week everyone that wanted to play would join the TS, captain's would be voted for and then the captain's would pick teams/maps/modes, the teams would then play it out for the agreed time.  It was super popular due to it's exclusivity and was widely attended by many clan members and server regulars.  I think it would work really well with this clan and would be a great, light hearted way to get everyone together.  If it's OK, I'd like to propose that we hold the first Captain's Night this Friday at 9pm EST and if we could advertise it as an admin message/chat box in the servers I think we could cultivate a weekly event that many people would enjoy.   I'm sure OFI/Lord and others would really enjoy this as well.
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I used to do something like this in a different community, and it was called a "pick em'" night, because captain's would pick teams. They also locked down the main server for the event, and it was almost always completely full, even with the password.

Definitely worth a go I think.
TF2 was only 16v16 but it was regularly full with multiple people "sitting out" because teams were full.  I'd propose a simple 3 or 5 round game of differing maps and modes, we could vote the captains in the forum and lay out maps and modes before hand to cut down on "night of" mess and streamline the voting.  I'd suggest a simple voice pick of teams with everyone who is present in TS kind of like in the schoolyard playing kickball.   Every week could be different and fun.  
Yeah, I say make a night of it. Get everyone who wants to in TS. Pick two captains. Once the teams get sorted out in TS, announce in the server that it will be going on lockdown for a couple of hours for competitive play. If they want to participate, Join TS.

Lock it down. Do best 5 out of 7 and open it back up.
would be fine dont think that is a great idea for shutting down a server on during prime time tho, we might get say 30 people in teamspeak so we would be kicking 34 people out of the server, now with in that 30 people are they older and more mature or are they kids, because we do not really allow kids in the teamspeak, and on that note for the most part the target audience seems to be 12-16 years of age for the metro servers. So those are some things to put into consideration
I don't think one night of fun would be a bad thing. A test night to see how popular it is, and how fun it is could be a good thing.
Dont mind broadcasting it on the servers to join another server but dont think it is a great idea to have a select few that spend all day getting the server full only to turn around and empty out the server. granted some would come on teamspeak and have fun others will get pissed off and unfavorite the server and the numbers for that is probably the same as people that would come in teamspeak. Something that can be brought up at the meeting for sure tho get others opinions on it. I for one do not like the idea
I totally understand the concern of emptying the other servers out but in my experience with our scrim nights the other servers have no trouble staying busy when most of the bZ members bail and go to the scrim server.   I think using the scrim server would be the best idea and leave the 2 others running for those that either those that don't want to play captains night or are sitting out waiting for a spot to open up.  

Maybe my glasses are a little rose tinted, but I remember that Captain's Night on TF2 was super popular.  I know it sounds counter intuitive that putting a password on a server would make the server more popular but it's like a night club, with a little of the right advertising and the bouncer at the door, it gains that air of exclusivity.  Week after week, 16v16 TF2 was full with multiples sitting out.
I think we can make use of our scrim server but may need to increase the slots a little bit? Unless its already 32 players we could fill up 16v16 first come first server. Dunno bout shutting down the main servers though. Neat idea, I like it.
Yeah, never meant to say we should shut down the main server.  I kinda mixed up the narrative,  when I played TF2, the group only had the single server and was forced to use just the one server but it worked for them because it was super popular and they always had enough people to fill the server.  This clan could easily use the scrim server and honestly I think 16v16 is perfect.  I think the smaller teams would help foster a sense of comradery and teamwork and we could play tons more modes in a more balanced manner.  32v32 is really only good for Conquest Large but with 16v16 we can explore the smaller modes like Domination and Conquest Small.   

I just think it's like organizing a weekly pick-up game of kickball.  Put the word out with the date and time, a simple in-game chatbox blurb advertisement like "New Weekly bZ Captain's/Pick 'Ems Night - Every Friday 9pm EST - Join !TS for the Information".

We could have a weekly forum thread where the captains are picked and the maps are decided by say Wednesday, that way we could promote the games beforehand, people know what they're getting into and expectations are set.  Once the captains are picked we could change the chatbox blurb to say something like "Captain's Night - Friday 9pm EST - This week Jackson vs Bawlin - Clash of the Admin!" or whatever and play around with it.   "Captain's Night - Friday 9pm EST - This week Princess vs CatCat Woman Week".  Just spitballing here, throwing stuff on the wall to see what sticks.
would be fine dont think that is a great idea for shutting down a server on during prime time tho, we might get say 30 people in teamspeak so we would be kicking 34 people out of the server, now with in that 30 people are they older and more mature or are they kids, because we do not really allow kids in the teamspeak, and on that note for the most part the target audience seems to be 12-16 years of age for the metro servers. So those are some things to put into consideration

I am totally in agreement with Jackson. I think it would be a mistake to lock down our primary servers to the public, as they may have intentions of joining our server to play, only to find themselves locked out, and thus would go to a different server. This could have a negative impact and cause us to lose a regular player to a different group. I love the idea, but I feel it would be much wiser to use the Scrim server. We could even advertise on the two main servers that we hold the event, and invite them to join us - this could get more regulars on TS, and, even interest occasional players into becoming regulars, or even members. 
I strongly oppose using the primary servers for the aforementioned reasons.  I understand it may only be for a few hours, but those few hours suggested are during our prime time and would most definitely have a negative impact.  Just as Bounty suggested, using the scrim server would be ideal, and yelling the event on the other servers could lure more folks to TS.  I like the idea, just not on the main servers.
There are many times I've noticed we will have ~20 members playing BF and in the TS.  I think we could even hold impromptu captain's events and fill the scrim server.  Next time we've got a good amount of people playing we could try a test run of the event.   

I think ultimately this would be a huge boon to the community.  Many people play our server but don't join our TS, this event will give those people a good reason to join our teamspeak.  It will draw people who regularly play our server into the teamspeak and I'm sure some of those may convert into members.  