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Cheater- Flopdeplop

Thanks for bring this here, Flakerider. He has a zero cheat score on BF4DB http://bf4db.com/players/2022396

This doesn't mean he isn't hacking, but we will keep an eye on it.

I went in there to spectate, but he took off before I got there.

We're definitely watching him. 

We have all kinds of players come through here, but the majority of folks we think are hacking don't seem to be. We use every tool at our disposal to try and keep the server hacker free, but we hate to ban anybody without solid proof.

I understand you not wanting to play in a server because somebody may or may not be in there, but I hope you come back and visit.

We're doing our best to run a fair and hack-free server for players of all ability.

Thanks again!
You know the 83/2 game is not even remotely legit. Compare to all the others in game. He's not legit and he shouldn't be allowed on your server. I am not dumb and know a cheat when I see it. I will not respond to this anymore thanks for your time.
83/2 doesn't mean shit without seeing what he was doing. And what about the battle report proves anything? So he got 80 something kills in a tank. Probably had someone repairing him constantly. I've seen people do that (and better) legitimately in multiple vehicles (tanks, jets, choppers, etc) so don't say that it's obvious just because of that. We deal with hackusations daily, if we find some actual proof beyond someone crying about a decent score, then we'll do something about it. If you have nothing more to contribute, have a nice day.

Edit: and as for the "my hack is undetectable" comment.. You sure it wasn't in jest? I get called out a lot and I joke about my "hacks" being too good. It gets old always having to defend yourself because you can't really prove anything and people will just continue to just send bullshit comments about how "they know" this or that..
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Flak, we aren't trying to disrespect, but please understand that we've been doing this for a LONG TIME, and believe it or not, we know what we're doing.

You mentioned somebody that plays in the server A LOT and gets spectated A LOT, and those of us with A LOT of admin experience that have probably caught more hackers than you have ever seen, don't see the tell tale signs in this guy, at least not yet.

We need proof. Use fraps or some other video recording software to show us what you think is so obvious. A good score is not what we consider proof.

You can check these forums (or the internets) for what hacks look like.
Ya I get where your coning from, just saying the guy was unbelieveable map after map. I was even on his team and followed him and still couldn't believe how he was getting kills. If I can i will record him, and yes I seen people do amazing but everyone has a bad game and this guy wasn't.Thanks for the replies it's just frustrating when you play with people(without proof) that you know are not legit. I enjoy your server and play on it 90% of my online time and don't want to see a cheater ruin it for the honest gamer.
Thanks for looking out for the server, the best way to get a swift verdict is to provide video proof or to contact an admin when you think the guy is hacking.

We don't protect hackers and we deal with them accordingly, so believe me when I tell you that we don't want the playing experience ruined for anyone, we are players too.
Thanks for understanding. We hate hackers as much anyone, but we also hate banning legit players. It's not easy sometimes, believe me.

We get just as many complaints about banning people that think they have been wrongly banned,but at least in those cases,we have proof.