Updated payment list, been waiting for the paypal change over but that never happened. So it is now updated. There is one discrepinsy that I wanted to note but did not change. Since it has been awhile 2 months since I have updated this list (again super sorry) the currency exchange has changed between euro and USD, so after doing all the math there was 45 Cents difference. This is due to the currency exchange rate at the time. Just wanted that noted.
During this period I would like to thank the following for their donations and support to the community. Thank your for keeping the community alive and helping it grow. You guys rock!
LDBlue $9.55
Dots $48.25
barros $4.50
Preacher $9.41
Jim64LFD $23.97
Wakuritz $23.62
BillyB $23.67
Yoshi $55.00
Cr8z $48.25
Lux $9.41
Albion $4.55
The following are payments made:
Rconnet payment €10.00
NFO battlefield server $100.98
NFO Battlefield Server $253.74
Website Payment $60.00
NFO Battlefield Server $100.98
Thank you again for the donations and I will keep more on top of this.