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Complaint Handled Complaint from Adarro-Fel about player [NEKO]Tsuare


Who are you reporting? [NEKO]Tsuare

Date of incident Dec 17, 2022

Which server were you on? -bZ2- Metro/Locker/Pearl Hardcore - BF4

Describe the incident I'm Adarro-Fel, I've been playing on -bZ2- for a few years. I've been playing BF series since 2002.

The player I'm reporting is "[NEKO]Tsuare". [NEKO]Tsuare is a frequent player on bZ2 Metro/Locker/Pearl Hardcore BF4. He was on my team today in Metro, around 3pm on 12/17/22. At the BEGINNING of the Metro conquest game, as our whole team was running from A to B, I saw [NEKO]Tsuare use some type of glitchy "jump over low obstacle" move inside of the metro central hall, to effectively move forward 20-30ft a few times in a row. He went from running 5 ft in front of me, to being 50-60ft in front of me, in a matter of 5 seconds or so.

In other words, in BF4 Conquest, when you all start at your home spawn, you have to run toward the middle of the map to capture the control points. What I'm saying is that I saw [NEKO]Tsuare literally use some sort of weird glitchy "jump/hurdle" running move, while running in Metro from control point A, to control point B, allowing him to get 20-30ft ahead each time. Not sure how he does that, but it really looks like cheating. I know that there are ways to jump/prone/slide around somehow in BF4 (making it very difficult for enemies to hit you), this looks like a "very extreme" version of that.

My ping myself is usually something like 10-20 ping. So I don't think it was a weird visual artifact from a high-ping perspective.

I feel sorry for reporting a common/frequent player. But it is not good if [NEKO]Tsuare are using very weird cheating methodologies in how they move, to run twice as fast as their teammates.
If it looked something like this -
. We allow it
It's quite easy to do and even easier to combat if you are on the enemy team.
For future complaints, it helps to provide evidence. That way we can review it and let you know if it violates our rules.