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Complaint Handled Complaint from blackarmoredfox about player [94]Loosest-of-Lips & CdnLeif

Who are you reporting? [94]Loosest-of-Lips & CdnLeif

Date of incident Jan 18, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ Hardcore Vanilla

Describe the incident Immediately spawned into a jet to getting shot by [94]Loosest-of-lips, then while spinning in uncap, killed by CDNLeif with heatseekers while still spinning in uncap
Video: https://youtu.be/KTqsTYYR08c


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You may not have left by the time the first missile was fired, however you did deploy your flares which would be you actively engaging with your vehicle in uncap, even if the reason is to defend yourself. Since you you deployed flares, you were fair game before you died.

Punished CdnLeif for attacking uncap for the initial missile.

Also, as a side note, in general there's a point where you're so far above uncap that you've essentially left it. The uncap rule is there to prevent you from being shot the moment you spawn into your vehicle. I recommend you not fly around your uncap trying to bait a fight.