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Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-Nyonbjorn about player [ye]BALDPEEK-SARD


-bZ- Member
Who are you reporting? [ye]BALDPEEK-SARD

Date of incident Feb 25, 2022

Which server were you on? -bZ-13

Describe the incident Player had an outrageous k:d and people started complaining, so I hopped into spectator and took some video. Very little of it seems legit, but at points he just domes people through smoke with no effort.


Video may still be uploading, as it was when I pasted this link.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Player clearly has mastery of game movement mechanics, aim settling, sprint jump strafing, game sense, kit swapping for ammo, vou-zou, and many other facets. Audio queues and Dorito's over heads can often seem like ESP, but there is not a single instance in the footage provided that leans towards foul play as an explanation. While not evidence, the player in question has 3500 hrs, ~3kd/1.5kpm. His gameplay style matches the expected statistics of players on the upper end of the bell curve.

Player also has consistent statistics seen below that are achievable / reasonable / not suspicious.

As for the smoke incidents, the first one the guy was spotted. The second (linked here)
, all players magically have giant laserbeams blinding his eyes directly indicating where they are.

Please refrain from chatting whilst spectating, as that would tip off any would-be cheaters. It is not a good look claiming that players will be banned in cases like this. Thank you for your report.