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Complaint from Clems about player criscocube

Who are you reporting? criscocube

Date of incident Dec 27, 2020

Which server were you on? Bz #7 Hardcore Rush

Describe the incident Crisco in chat said a dude took his tank, then he admits he RPG'd that tank to "get his tank back". I can understand that stealing a team tank is against your rules, but is it OK for him to report the theif and RPG a friendly tank to get it back? He has conveniently removed this portion from his recorded stream, so no one can see what happened, his posted segment for that match excludes this incident.

23:27 Dec 27, 2020
CriscoCube you mean *my vehicle that you stole
23:26 Dec 27, 2020
SiouxWarrior66 YOU are the kid here loser
23:26 Dec 27, 2020
SiouxWarrior66 see that 66? Thats for 1966 dumbass
23:26 Dec 27, 2020
blackbenzamg you literally ran me over and blew up my vehicle but im the asshole lol ok

I don't understand how this is "OK"