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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from CriscoCube about player NinjaPyro7

Who are you reporting? NinjaPyro7

Date of incident Jul 9, 2020

Which server were you on? #7 rush

Describe the incident NinjaPyro7 used c4 to purposefully damage, and then kill friendly tank along with three friendly players. He admits his griefing in teamchat. Aside from this he also is just generally toxic in chat. He needs a good slap upside the head as a warning, he plays a lot in bz servers including rush but really needs to understand to not grief in the servers.
If you log chat for the servers you can lookup the chat based on the keywords in the chat in the screenshot, I don't remember the time, it was July 9, 2020. Ninja admits to purposeful teamkill. People have mentioned him griefing on other BZ servers in the discord as well.


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
It sends it under his account, punish points accumulate, he doesnt need to be online in order for it to take effect.