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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from dek128 about player 1337GTR


Who are you reporting? 1337GTR

Date of incident Feb 6, 2021

Which server were you on? HC Rush #7

Describe the incident This player has been persistently griefing across multiple rounds. I have 6 short clips, showing multiple attempts to plant C4 on friendly tanks, blowing it up (when they are not teamkilled by other players who notice their antics), killing me with a secondary weapon as I was repairing a tank (then hopping in). I've reported them multiple times via !report, and there should also be many other reports from other folks.


That just means they can return next weekend and continue their antics. As far as I can tell, they only seem to show up on weekends, so this seems far too lenient (can't confirm since only battle reports from today show up in their Battlelog for me).