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Complaint Handled Complaint from Easy Rider about player Leopold

Who are you reporting? Leopold

Date of incident Jun 15, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ13

Describe the incident Leopold is just one of many that Harrass me every time I go into the server to play. I can usually play for about 20 maybe 30 minutes before the notorious group of bf4 players come in and start harassing me. This is done on purpose with the intention of running me and other gamers off. I can't say they are cheating 100% but I've been attacked verbally many times calling me names and demeaning me. I've had to deal with this group of players for a very long time and would really like a safe place to game without being attacked. Now I can add to this list as I go if need be. I can start taking down more names.

Usually they use the Mav or the drone plane or jumping from squad to squad playing loud music to Harrass me, constantly keep attacking only me. Is that the kinds of players you really want in your servers? If not I can help you rid them from your server. Cause you know when they aren't doing it to me they are doing it to others and running them off when they don't like a player.

Now, I've played bf3, bf4, bf1, 2042 with BF4 having almost 4000 hours. And the fact that these players aren't banned from every server just blows my mind. Anyways, I can give you more player names as I go if you want to help me and other gamers get rid of these toxic players. I can also give you video proof of the Harassment when it happens.

I know you guys have a lot of servers to deal with and I'm a patient guy. I'm just asking for some help so I can go in and enjoy BF4. Just know that when I say Harassment it's no different than in real life. It's not acceptable.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
We typically do not police chat unless it falls under racism or extreme toxicity.

If you are constantly getting insulted and cannot simply ignore them, it might be a good idea to utilize a key feature that was ever so graciously provided to you by DICE. This very special key is located ever so slightly offset from the middle of your keyboard [H]. Given the default movement key placement of WASD, the "H" key is in an optimized position for rapid action.

I have provided our current ingame rules below for you to review. If you catch someone in violation of the rules below, record video evidence and submit it to us to review.

It's not just chat brother. It's straight up Harassment. By means of any tool or weapon in tha game. Why does no one take harassment seriously? If my server these guys would never play BF4 again. I've never understood why y'all take up for these douch bags. There are plenty of good, legit players without toxic players ruining it for other gamers. No disrespect. Just get rid of them. That easy. Then you hear nothing else. And I say this knowing EA don't Police bf4 anymore. The rules that they have and the ones here don't punish players for Harassment. Why? Is that something that's okay with you guys? I've had a server before and these douch bags were insta banned. BF4 don't need them.

And pleaseeee don't take me the wrong way. I'm just trying to figure out why Harassment of players is okay? Verbally or by means of in-game weapons and team stacking against certain players? And the actual name I think is leopard. Have had issues with this dude on every server I've ever went to.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You’re playing a game simulating a war zone and you’re extremely bothered by typical lobby banter.

If you catch players in violation of our ingame rules, record video evidence and report them for us to review.

Unless these players are in violation of our rules, “H” is your friend here.

Also out of curiosity, what happened to your server?
Started a job and couldn't keep up with my server. I miss having it so much. But just know I like how bz13 runs machine wise. And I'm thinking about starting my server back up. We will see. I just hope you know where I'm coming from. And not just being a nay nay guy. If you had the things done to you personally that have been done to me you wouldn't put up with it. I promise ya. I'm gonna stream tonight twitch.tv/FatalError4uttv and report back here to you so you can see what I put up with to play my favorite game. Then maybe you will understand fully what I am saying. Hell you can watch tha stream. That is if anyone is on at 4am central time. Also the last stream I did you can view what I was dealing with. It is posted still in vods. I mean it was so bad a week ago they were coming into my discord and connecting and disconnecting just to Harrass me. How pathetic is that? I deleted my discord, didn't wanna deal with it. Anyways the harassment starts at about 1:04:52 anyways don't expect you to watch a whole stream but Leo starts his crap at around the 27 minute in.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
We all have lives outside of BF4 as well. We are volunteers.
Unfortunately, I do not have the time to watch a stream.
If you encounter further issue with these players and it is within our rules to handle, submit video clips showcasing the issue.
Music in VOIP is not going to recieve the ban hammer, you can mute players in your squad or make it private instead.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You want someone banned for killing you with a SUAV? Lol.
You're streaming your game location for whoever to see, you're asking to be messed with, especially now that they know how much it gets to you.

We don't ban equipment or those who want to use the entire arsenal of weapons or equipment they are given.
If you suspect that someone is cheating, record video evidence (preferably spectator footage) and submit it to us, BF4DB or BA.

So much anger and toxicity, gave me a good chuckle.
It's all good. I knew nothing was gonna be done starting this conversation. Someone told me to report them and I did. Have a good day and sorry I bothered y'all.
Oh and I've tried muting them and going to another squad and making it private. Doesn't work. I will check out the mute option again. But I didn't know you could mute a single player on voip.