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Complaint Handled Complaint from Flash_Hork about player dodgeram570

Who are you reporting? dodgeram570

Date of incident Jan 1, 1970

Which server were you on? -bZ11- # 60HZ SIEGE 24/7 BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident I would like to report the user dodgeram570 for racism; the video chat speaks for itself.


On the first one he's calling someone a flash monkey, which in this context is equivalent to calling someone dumb.
In the second clip, it loosely translates to "a gorilla is smarter than you".

Neither of which case is a racial slur nor does the context suggest it was used in such a way. We don't enforce chat to this extent, so unless slurs are used or the context is blatantly racist, please just press H to hide chat.
If we were to start policing chat to that extent, we'd have no players left.
We typically stick to what the automatic filter covers and common evasion variations.