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Complaint Handled Complaint from Flash_Hork about player Spury00

Who are you reporting? Spury00

Date of incident Nov 14, 2022

Which server were you on? # -bZ11- # 60HZ SIEGE 24/7 BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident This retard every time he's playing on our team won't let me play. This is not the first time it has happened, this has happened countless other times, and there was no way to record it.
But today I was able to record. Please could you do something.

I managed to record more than one video, in two matches he was doing the same.
When you say he was punished, could you please say what kind of punishment he took?
A 1 day temporary ban. If he continues, please let us know with video proof. Subsequent incidents will lengthen the ban increment. Just make sure not to antagonize him, let him dig the hole deeper by himself.