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Complaint Handled Complaint from frag_biscuit about player NubTank

I'd like to take this moment and pick your brain a little bit. With the rules provided below, can you tell me how this violates any of them?

Shooting out of uncap the entire round is considered perfectly okay, even though every round that someone camps with mortars and UCAVs there are numerous players complaining about them in-game? Sounds like an opportunity to create a reciprocal rule for "no attacking uncap". If someone can't camp into uncap (unprovoked), then why can someone camp out of uncap? It's 2 sides of the same coin. I don't think players like this bring any value to the server and only serve to drive active players away, especially if they see this behavior go on without action by admins.
Shooting out of uncap the entire round is considered perfectly okay, even though every round that someone camps with mortars and UCAVs there are numerous players complaining about them in-game?
They can complain all they want. Still not violating any rules, and if the player is still getting a considerable amount of kills doing this tactic, then it's working and benefitting the team to some extent.

Sounds like an opportunity to create a reciprocal rule for "no attacking uncap". If someone can't camp into uncap (unprovoked), then why can someone camp out of uncap?
The uncap rule is there to prevent players from getting instantly nuked when spawning in. We have a set criteria for what is considered a fair kill against an enemy when they are in the uncap. If a player chooses to sit back there and farm kills with UCAV/Mortar and are actually effective with it, then so be it.

It's 2 sides of the same coin. I don't think players like this bring any value to the server and only serve to drive active players away, especially if they see this behavior go on without action by admins.
If we start micro managing the way players play the game and the tactics that they use, we'll kill off our servers. Besides, I don't understand why you are complaining about his tactics when he was on the opposite team and he lost? From the looks of the picture below, it looks like an average game of Pearl Market.

Screenshot 2025-03-14 005729.png

Ultimately this report brings nothing of value and is a report against a player that you simply couldn't kill. Looking at the battle report, your team still won even with your subpar results. You clearly were focused on killing NubTank, which is likely what resulted in so many deaths, and your chat logs also show this.

Screenshot 2025-03-14 014941.png
Screenshot 2025-03-14 015047.png

Nobody in game was complaining about his gameplay. The only one here who has an issue with it is you. Because you don't have a clear understanding of the uncap rule and the time wasting, bogus report that you submitted here, you will be receiving a punish point for this instance. If there are any questions about the uncap rule or need clarification, please feel free to reach out.