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Complaint Handled Complaint from G1useppee about player TommyFinle

Who are you reporting? TommyFinle

Date of incident Dec 2, 2022

Which server were you on? BZ7

Describe the incident Racist.
That's not how it works, you broke our rules and it was your last chance.
That trash has to get taken out when needed.
What trash are you talking about? A man who already got a ban in the server and he is being racist again not only against me, check the srvr log..? Who post in my profile making fun asking for burritos becouse he think im mexican? Thats ok, if i make a multi account i can call everyone whatever i want and blame him? Cmon....
I think your friend got a racism problem...

it seems im not the only one whit the same perseption.......
If you dont pay, just press "H"