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Complaint Handled Complaint from Geauxfish about player FFEE1987

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Who are you reporting? FFEE1987

Date of incident May 26, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident FFEE1987 teamkilled me twice and laughed about it then reported him on server for him only to start cussing me out after i told him to leave. He kept cussing me and then i reported him griefing which he then cussed out further and then he reported me griefing and at that point I just stopped. Don't think guys like him should be playing when they think its funny for teamkilling more than once.
Don't know how to record or pull screenshots, but if you look at his responses on the chat, he verifies it by laughing where he says "lol again" and doing the same thing again.
Didn't know the rule below required video proof as this my first...Oh well, seems rules again are not clear...Should say "No team killing, period, end of story, but only if you have video proof."
No team killing, period, end of story.
Screenshots wouldn’t be sufficient.
Requiring video evidence protects everyone involved.

Let us know if it occurs again with the sufficient video evidence.


-bZ- Member
Oh well, seems rules again are not clear...
No team killing, period, end of story.
It shouldn’t need to be explained or written in the rules that you need evidence to back up your claims. This is truly common sense as that same logic is applied to most areas in life. Otherwise people could easily lie and make things up to get others banned. We require evidence for everyone’s protection, including yours.

If you need help setting up recordings/clips, ask around in the community as many of us use that technology. If not, there are a plethora of free guides out there on google. In fact here’s one for obs (which is also free) pulled from the first few results.

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